You’ll Never Find Anything that Works Better!
May 21st, 2015

Once you have tried this stuff, you will never want to use anything else, EVER again! It WORKS, plain and simple!

I have used it on cat urine and vomit and it completely removes all traces, as long as you thoroughly moisten the area completely and let it dry. For deep urine spots on carpet, you need to make sure to apply enough to get down into the layers below the surface of the carpet. My only wish is that it was less expensive and/or available via Amazon Prime with free shipping. But again, you'll never find anything that works better!

You’ll Never Find Anything that Works Better!

Once you have tried this stuff, you will never want to use anything else, EVER again! It WORKS, plain and simple!

I have used it on cat urine and vomit and it completely removes all traces, as long as you thoroughly moisten the area completely and let it dry. For deep urine spots on carpet, you need to make sure to apply enough to get down into the layers below the surface of the carpet. My only wish is that it was less expensive and/or available via Amazon Prime with free shipping. But again, you'll never find anything that works better!